Lot# 1339
Script GW with Indentee Border. 32 Punch Marks. Closely Spaced Rays. Cobb 8b, WHB.8, RAU.WI.7D, DeW-unlisted (his GW1789.26 is attributed as WI.7B), F/R-unlisted. Extremely Fine to About Uncirculated. Brass, once silvered or tinned. 93.1 gns. 32.1mm. Original shank. Single piece. Lovely, bright golden yellow and brown color with traces of silvering (or tinning) in the center. Back with most plating still intact. Cobb's descriptive label on the back. GW in script letters in the center, LONG LIVE THE PRESIDENT in raised letters around, closely spaced sun rays in the middle, an indented border around composed of 32 punch mark impressions. Very rare: Albert rated this R-5, with six to 10 specimens known. Outstanding quality, far finer than any other we have seen, as well as the Albert plate specimen. This piece was found in an old metal box in Waterbury, Connecticut in 1959. Cobb called it a proof and believed it had come from a wedding coat of 1796. {cp8}(SEE COLOR PLATE)